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南太平洋研究 アーカイブス
South Pacific Studies Archives

Journal Site: South Pacific Studies

南太平洋研究 South Pacific Studies
Vol. 44, No.1-2. 2023-2024 (full open)
Vol. 43, No.1-2. 2022-2023 (full open)
Vol. 42, No.1-2. 2021-2022 (full open)
Vol. 41, No.1-2. 2020-2021 (full open)
Vol. 40, No.2. 2020 (full open) Vol. 40, No.1. 2019 (full open)
Vol. 39, No.2. 2019 (full open) Vol. 39, No.1. 2018 (full open)
Vol. 38, No.2. 2018 (full open) Vol. 38, No.1. 2017 (full open)
Vol. 37, No.2. 2017 (full open) Vol. 37, No.1. 2016 (full open)
Vol. 36, No.2. 2016 (full open) Vol. 36, No.1. 2015 (full open)
Vol. 35, No.2. 2015 (full open) Vol. 35, No.1. 2014 (full open)
Vol. 34, No.2. 2014 (full open) Vol. 34, No.1. 2013 (full open)
Vol. 33, No.2. 2013 (full open) Vol. 33, No.1. 2012 (full open)
Vol. 32, No.2. 2012 (full open) Vol. 32, No.1. 2011 (full open)
Vol. 31, No.2. 2011 (full open) Vol. 31, No.1. 2010 (full open)
Vol. 30, No.2. 2010 (full open) Vol. 30, No.1. 2009 (full open)
Vol. 29, No.2. 2009 (full open) Vol. 29, No.1. 2008 (full open)
Vol. 28, No.2. 2008 (full open) Vol. 28, No.1. 2007 (full open)
Vol. 27, No.2. 2007 (full open) Vol. 27, No.1. 2006 (full open)
Vol. 26, No.2. 2006 (full open) Vol. 26, No.1. 2005 (full open)
Vol. 25, No.2. 2005 (full open) Vol. 25, No.1. 2004 (full open)
Vol. 24, No.2. 2004 (full open) Vol. 24, No.1. 2003 (full open)
Vol. 23, No.2. 2003 (full open) Vol. 23, No.1. 2002 (full open)
Vol. 22, No.2. 2002 (full open) Vol. 22, No.1. 2001 (full open)
Vol. 21, No.2. 2001 (full open) Vol. 21, No.1. 2000 (full open)
Vol. 20, No.2. 2000 (full open) Vol. 20, No.1. 1999 (full open)
Vol. 19, No.1-2. 1999 (full open)
Vol. 18, No.2. 1998 (full open) Vol. 18, No.1. 1997 (full open)
Vol. 17, No.2. 1997 (full open) Vol. 17, No.1. 1996 (full open)
Vol. 16, No.2. 1996 (full open) Vol. 16, No.1. 1995 (full open)
Vol. 15, No.2. 1995 (full open) Vol. 15, No.1. 1994 (full open)
Vol. 14, No.2. 1994 (full open) Vol. 14, No.1. 1993 (full open)
Vol. 13, No.2. 1993 (full open) Vol. 13, No.1. 1992 (full open)
Vol. 12, No.2. 1992 (full open) Vol. 12, No.1. 1991 (full open)
Vol. 11, No.2. 1991 (full open) Vol. 11, No.1. 1990 (full open)
Vol. 10, No.2. 1990 (full open) Vol. 10, No.1. 1989 (full open)
Vol. 9, No.1-2. 1988 (full open)
南海研紀要 Memoirs of the KURCSP
Vol. 8, No.2. 1987 (full open) Vol. 8, No.1. 1987 (full open)
Vol. 7, No.2. 1986 (full open) Vol. 7, No.1. 1986 (full open)
Vol. 6, No.2. 1985 (full open) Vol. 6, No.1. 1985 (full open)
Vol. 5, No.2. 1984 (full open) Vol. 5, No.1. 1984 (full open)
Vol. 4, No.2. 1983 (full open) Vol. 4, No.1. 1983 (full open)
Vol. 3, No.2. 1983 (full open)
(Special Issue dedicated to Professor Sasuke Nakao)
Vol. 3, No.1. 1982 (full open)
Vol. 2, No.1. 1981 (full open)
Vol. 1, No.1. 1980 (full open)

South Pacific Studies Vol.44, No.1-2. 2023-2024

Research Papers

  • 河合 渓、西村 知、J. ベイタヤキ:太平洋島嶼国における沿岸域村落の資源利用の変容−2005年と2017年での2つの村を比較して−
    Kawai K, Nishimura S, Veitayaki J : Transformation of Resource Use of Coastal Villages in the Pacific Island -Comparing Two Villages in 2005 and 2017- (pp1-8) Text
  • Papoutsaki E, Kuwahara S : Mapping Island Information Ecosystems: Exploring the Role of the ‘B?sai Musen’ Emergency and Disaster Broadcasting System in the Everyday Life of Amami Islands (pp9-32) Text
  • Yaro J, Sali G : Effective Communication for Enhancing Occupational Health, Safety, and Risk Management in the Mining Industries in Papua New Guinea: A Case Study of Porgera Gold Mining in the Enga Province (pp33-56) Text
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  • Instructions for Contributors

South Pacific Studies Vol.43, No.1-2. 2022-2023

Research Papers

  • 山本雅史、谷 佳那美、香西直子:鹿児島県黒島の在来カンキツ
    Yamamoto M, Tani K, Kozai N : Local Citrus Grown on Kuroshima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture (pp1-10) Text
  • Riwasino J, William K : Evaluating Sustainable Agribusiness Farming Practice in Markham Valley of Huon Gulf District, Papua New Guinea (PNG) (pp11-34) Text
  • Coverpages

South Pacific Studies Vol.42, No.1-2. 2021-2022

Research Papers

  • 宋 多情、鈴木真理子: 奄美大島市道三太郎線周辺における夜間利用適正化の現状と課題
    Song D, Suzuki M : Current Status and Problems of Nighttime Traffic Control around the Santaro Road in Amami-Oshima (pp1-17) Text
  • Yamamoto S, Djarwaningsih T, Wiriadinata H : Use of Capsicum Peppers in the Karimunjawa Islands, Central Java, Indonesia (pp19-29) Text
  • Riwasino J, Yarapea A, Henson M : Communication Process for Partnership Tree Farming in Markham Valley of Papua New Guinea (pp31-48) Text
  • Takamiya H : Nissology, Island Archaeology, and the Archaeology of Ryukyus (1)(pp39-72) Text
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South Pacific Studies Vol.41, No.1-2. 2020-2021

Research Papers

  • Takamiya H, Nakamura N : The Beginning of Agriculture in the Ryukyu Archipelago (pp1-34) Text
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South Pacific Studies Vol.40, No.2. 2020

Research Papers

  • Fujikawa M : Differentiated Concepts of Home for Boat Dwellers in Southern Research Papers Fujian, China (pp37-62) Text
  • Kawai K, Moriwaki H, Okuno M, Fujiki T, Mccormack G, Cowan G, Maoate TP : Shell Color Polymorphism in Populations of the Intertidal Gastropod Nerita Plicata (L., 1758) from the Cook Islands (pp63-72) Text
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South Pacific Studies Vol.40, No.1. 2019

Research Papers

  • Cho SY : The Copra Dealer of the South Sea Islands: A Korean Named Hwang Yeongsam and Hijikata Hisakatsu (pp1-14) Text
  • Kawahara D, Suzuki E, Wakiyama N : Succession of Coastal Vegetation on Haruta-hama Coast, Yakushima Island for 15 Years (pp15-28) Text
  • Coverpages

South Pacific Studies Vol.39, No.2. 2019

Research Note

South Pacific Studies Vol.39, No.1. 2018

Research Papers

  • Funaki K : Theoretical Perspectives of Gross National Generosity (GNG): Philosophy for a Dignified Pacific to Enrich the World (pp1-23) Text
  • Papoutsaki E, Kuwahara S : Mapping Small Islands Communicative Ecologies: a Case Study from the Amami Islands (pp25-49) Text

  • Coverpages  Instructions for Contributors

South Pacific Studies Vol.38, No.2. 2018

Research Paper
  • Sali G : Concerns and Challenges of Crime in Papua New Guinea (pp39-72) Text

South Pacific Studies Vol.38, No.1. 2017

Research Papers

  • Hidayat H, Nagashima S : Yakushima National Park and World Heritage: Political Ecology Approach (pp1-22) Text
  • Mottaghi A, Shimomura M, Reimer JR : Seasonal Abundance of Sphaeromatidae (Crustacea: Isopoda) from Sandy Beaches in Okinawa-jima Island, Japan (pp23-29) Text

  • Coverpages  Instructions for Contributors

South Pacific Studies Vol.37, No.2. 2017

Research Papers

  • CALINAWAN A., PAULE H. B. S., ADARNA L., VILLEGAS L. M. G. and MENDOZA C. S.: Pyrethroid Pesticides of Cabbage-Grown Area in Dalaguete, Cebu, Philippine (pp57-70) Text
  • HAYWARD P. and KONISHI J.: A Fleeting Aquapelago: A Theoretical Consideration of The Japanese Presence in The Torres Strait 1880s-1940s (pp71-86) Text

  • Coverpages  Instructions for Contributors

South Pacific Studies Vol.37, No.1. 2016

Research Papers

  • KOEDA K., MAEKAWA T., WADA H. and MOTOMURA H.: Records of the Orange Goatfish, Mulloidichthys pflugeri (Teleostei: Mullidae), from Amami-oshima and Yonaguni-jima Islands in the Ryukyu Archipelago, Southern Japan (pp1-8) Text
  • MANUS P. A.: Economic Efficiency of Smallholder Peanut Farming: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis to Smallholder Producers in the Markham Valley of Papua New Guinea (pp9-20) Text
  • Royle S. A.: Japan and A Geography of Islands (pp21-48) Text

  • Coverpages  Instructions for Contributors

South Pacific Studies Vol.36, No.2. 2016

Research Papers

  • EDWARDS F.: Tracing Language Use and Policy in Cook Islands' Schools: 1827-2003 (pp57-78) Text
  • CHUN K.: A Trial of the History of Anthropology in Taiwan during the Japanese Occupation: Focusing on Inou Kanori, Utsurikawa Nenozo, and Kanaseki Takeo (pp79-102) Text
  • HATA H. and MOTOMURA H.: First Specimen-based Records of Pristipomoides flavipinnis (Perciformes: Lutjanidae) from the Tokara and Amami Islands, Japan (pp103-110) Text

South Pacific Studies Vol.36, No.1. 2015

Research Papers

  • MOUSOURAKIS G.: Restorative Justice, Indigenous Custom and Justice Reform in New Zealand (pp1-31) Text
  • KOEDA K. and FUJII T.: Records of the Pughead Pipefish, Bulbonaricus brauni (Gasterosteiformes: Syngnathidae), from Amami-oshima Island, Central Ryukyu Archipelago, Southern Japan (pp33-38) Text
  • HATA H., TAKAYAMA M. and MOTOMURA H.: Distributional Range Extension of Herklotsichthys quadrimaculatus (Clupeiformes: Clupeidae) in Southern Japan (pp39-48) Text

  • Coverpages  Instructions for Contributors

South Pacific Studies Vol.35, No.2. 2015

Research Papers

  • OTSUKA Y. and TAKAOKA H.: Biogeographical Distribution and Phylogenetic Analysis of Simulium (Wallacellum) (Diptera: Simuliidae) based on the Mitochondrial Sequences (pp45-56) Text

South Pacific Studies Vol.35, No.1. 2014

Research Papers

  • FUKUGASAKO K.: “Communalization of Tombs” in Uken Village, Amami ?shima (Island), Kagoshima Prefecture: A Case of the Establishment of Taken “Shourouden” (pp1-20) Text
  • MANUS P. and SINGAS S.: Determinants of Adoption of Pond Fish Farming Innovations in Salamaua of Morobe Province in Papua New Guinea (pp21-36) Text

  • Coverpages  Instructions for Contributors

South Pacific Studies Vol.34, No.2. 2014

Research Papers

  • HIDAYAT H. and YAMAMOTO S.: Papua’s Threatened Forests: Conflict of Interest Government versus Local Indigenous People (pp71-98) Text
  • GIRSANG W.: Socio-Economic Factors That Have Influenced the Decline of Sago Consumption in Small Islands: A Case in Rural Maluku, Indonesia (pp99-116) Text

South Pacific Studies Vol.34, No.1. 2013

Research Papers

  • KADER Md. A., BULBUL M., HOSSAIN Md. S., YOKOYAMA S., ISHIKAWA M. and KOSHIO S.: Improved Utilization of a Plant By-Products Mixture by Supplementing Dietary Bamboo Charcoal for Juvenile Amberjack Seriola dumerili (pp1-12) Text
  • JOHNSON H. and KUWAHARA S.: Neo-Traditional Ensemble Drumming in the Amami Islands: Mapping New Performance Traditions (pp13-39) Text

South Pacific Studies Vol.33, No.2. 2013

Research Papers

  • YAMAMOTO S.: Use of Capsicum on Kosrae Island, Federated States of Micronesia (pp87-99) Text
  • REHMAN H. U., NAKAYA H. and KAWAI K.: Geological Origin of the Volcanic Islands of the Caroline Group in the Federated States of Micronesia, Western Pacific (pp101-118) Text
  • MENG X.: A Study of “Senior to Senior Support” at the Time of Disaster in Amami Oshima: A Case of Supporting Elderly People in the Severe Rainstorm Disaster in Nishinakama Village (pp119-135) Text

  • Coverpages  Instructions for Contributors

South Pacific Studies Vol.33, No.1. 2012

Research Papers

  • RAZON B. C., LIAO L. M. and NAKAGOSHI N.: Success and Failure of Marine Protected Area Management Affecting the Fish Catch by Adjacent Fishermen in Sarangani Bay, Mindanao, Philippines (pp1-23) Text
  • NARSEY W. L.: Poverty Analysis in Vanuatu: A Critical Review and Alternative Formulation (pp25-51) Text
  • HIDAYAT H., KONO Y. and LE X. P.: From Plantation Forestry to the Pulp and Paper Industry: A Case Study of Vietnam (pp53-78) Text

South Pacific Studies Vol.32, No.2. 2012

Research Papers

  • YAMAMOTO M., NASRIL N., NINOMIYA T., KUBO T. and TOMINAGA S.: Fruit Characteristics, Chromosome and DNA Profiles of Four Mandarins (Citrus reticulata Blanco) Collected in West Sumatra, Indonesia (pp59-69) Text
  • NAKANO K.: A Markedly Important Aspect of the Human Ecology of Swidden Cultivation: the Labour Requirements for Producing Staple Crops in Solomon Islands and North Thailand (pp71-103) Text
  • NARSEY W. L.: The Regression of Marine Consumption in Fiji: Changes 2002-03 to 2008-09 (pp105-127) Text

South Pacific Studies Vol.32, No.1. 2011

Research Papers

  • CAMPBELL I.: Tongan Political Reform: The Odd-One-Out in Pacific Politics (pp1-16) Text
  • HOSSAIN Md. S., HOSSAIN Md. A., MAMUN Md. A., ALI Md. Z., BULBUL M., KOSHIO S. and KADER Md. A.: Evaluation of Rice Bran and Wheat Bran as Supplemental Feed Compared to a Commercial Feed for Monoculture of GIFT Strain of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Bangladesh (pp17-30) Text
  • KOBARI T., HIJIYA K., MINOWA M. and KITAMURA M.: Depth Distribution, Biomass and Taxonomic Composition of Subtropical Microbial Community in Southwestern Japan (pp31-43) Text
  • INOUE Y.: A Pilot Analysis of the Role of Learning Styles in Online Learning Environments: The Case of an American Pacific Island University (pp45-58) Text

South Pacific Studies Vol.31, No.2. 2011

Research Papers

  • KAWAI, K., KUWAHARA, S., TERADA, R., TOMINAGA, S.,NODA, S. and NAGASHIMA, S.: Influence of Environmental Changes on the Micronesian Region: Case Study of Islands in the Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia (pp57-70) Text
  • ZAYAS, C. N.: Describing Stewardship of the Common Sea among Atob Fishers of the Pacific Rim Islands - Cases from the Philippines, Taiwan and Japan (pp71-80) Text
  • KUWAHARA, S.: Development and Conservation Issues Relevant to the World Natural Heritage Listing of Amami (pp81-92) Text

South Pacific Studies Vol.31, No.1. 2010

Research Papers

  • HANLON D.: Aloha for Their Violence: Locating the NFL’S Pro Bowl within Contemporary Hawai’i and the Deeper Hawaiian Past (pp1-16) Text
  • RAM-BIDESI V.: Employment Opportunities for Women in the Tuna Industry in Small Islands: is it Really Restrictive? A Case Study of Fiji Islands (pp17-42) Text
  • YAMAMOTO S.: Use of Capsicum Peppers in the Batanes Islands, Philippines (pp43-56) Text

South Pacific Studies Vol.30, No.2. 2010

Research Papers

  • TAKARABE M.: Missionary Process of Modern Buddhism in Amami Oshima: On its Propagation and Missionary Style (pp1-12) Text
  • SHIMAUCHI M., KAMIWADA H., FUKUDA T., TSUDA K., SAKAMAKI Y., KUSIGEMATI K.: Effects of Wind Velocity on the Catchability of a Sex-pheromone Trap for the Common Cutworm, Spodoptera litura (FABRICIUS) (pp13-21) Text
  • KAWAI K., KUWAHARA S., ONJO M., NODA S., NISHIMURA A., TOMINAGA S., NAGASHIMA S.: The Influence of Environmental Changes on the Micronesian Area: A Case Study of Islands in Pohnpei State, Federated States of Micronesia (pp23-43) Text

South Pacific Studies Vol.30, No.1. 2009

Research Papers

  • BOUQUET T. and KINOSHITA K.: Ground-Level Concentrations of Volcanic SO2 at Miyakejima Island, Japan (pp1-18) Text
  • KOUASSI N’G. L., UTSUNOMIYA H., TSUDA K., SAKAMAKI Y., KUSIGEMATI K. and NAKAMURA M.: High Temperature as a stressor of Spodoptera litura latent virus (pp19-24) Text
  • KOUASSI N’G. L., TSUDA K., SAKAMAKI Y. and NAKAMURA M.: Further studies on the biological activity and identification of nucleopolyhedrovirus isolated from Spodoptera litura in Japan (pp25-34) Text

South Pacific Studies Vol.29, No.2. 2009

Research Papers

  • MD. SAGIR AHMED, MD. SHAH ALAM and HAFEZA AKTHER: Livelihood assessment of a jatka fishing community at North Srirumthi village, Chandpure, Bangladesh (pp1-12) Text
  • TAJIMA Y.: Emigration of Romanum Islanders, Chuuk State, FSM (pp13-27) Text
  • LAUFA T. M.: Sago Research in Pacific Island Countries and Southeast Asia (pp29-47) Text
  • SUKARDJO S. and TORO A.V.: An Ecological Study of the Mantis Shrimp Lysiosquilla macutala Fabricius (Crustacea: Stomatopoda) in the Reef Flat, Pari Island, West Java, Indonesia: 1. The relationship between environmental factors and mantis shrimp population (pp49-66) Text

South Pacific Studies Vol.29, No.1. 2008

Research Papers

  • WAMBIJI N., OHTOMI J., FULANDA B., KIMANI E.,KULUNDU N. and HOSSAIN Md. Y.: Morphometric Relationship and Condition Factor of Siganus stellatus, S. canaliculatus and S. sutor (Pisces: Siganidae) from the Western Indian Ocean waters (pp1-15) Text
  • SHIRAGI M. H. K., BAQUE M. A., and NASIRUDDIN K. M.: Eradication of Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV) and Banana Mosaic Virus (BMV) from Infected Plant of Banana cv. Amritasager Through Meristem Culture (pp17-41) Text
  • ASAFU-ADJAYE J.: Environmental Quality and Economic Growth: The Case of Pacific Island Countries (pp43-62) Text
  • AHMED M.D.S. and AKTHER H.: Brush and Vegetation Park Fishery in the River Titas, Brahmanbaria, Bangladesh (pp63-71) Text

South Pacific Studies Vol.28, No.2. 2008

Research Papers

  • MENDOZA C.S. and HIPE J.: Lead Content of Plant Leaves in Cebu City, Philippines (pp43-52) Text
  • KINOSHITA K., TSUCHIDA S., CORPUZ E., LAGUERTA E., TUPPER A., KANAGAKI C., HAMADA S. and IINO N.: Ground and Satellite-based Observations of Mayon Volcano, Philippines (pp53-68) Text
  • SHARMA K. L.: Public Sector Downsizing in the Cook Islands: Some Experience and Lessons (pp69-85) Text
  • HIDAKA T., KOMORI S., YAMADA M. and FUKAMACHI H.: Mass-production of Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Saplings Using Shoot-tip Culture for Commercial Use (pp87-95) Text

South Pacific Studies Vol.28, No.1. 2007

Research Papers

  • KOBARI T., KOBARI Y. and KOGA S: Possible Underestimation of Chlorophyll a Measurements for Subtropical Phytoplankton Community by the Pigment Extraction and the Fluorometric Determination (pp1-8) Text
  • HIDAKA T. and KARIM M.A.: Flooding Tolerance of Sugarcane in Relation to Growth, Physiology and Root Structure (pp9-22) Text
  • MORSE Z.: Dental Anxiety is Very High in The Republic of Kiribati (pp23-30) Text
  • FULANDA B., OHTOMI J., MUENI E., NZUKI S., MUASA J., MUTHAMA C. and HOSSAIN M.Y.: A preliminary Assessment of the Green Sea Turtle Chelonia Mydas Population and its Foraging Ground the Kilifi Vreek, Kenya (pp31-41) Text

South Pacific Studies Vol.27, No.2. 2007

Research Papers

  • James Davis REIMER, ONO Shusuke, FURUSHIMA Yasuo, TSUKAHARA Junzo:Seasonal Changes in Morphological Condition of Symbiotic Dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium spp.) in Zoanthus sansibaricus (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia) in Southern Japan (pp1-23) Text
  • Patrick D. NUNN: Space and place in an ocean of islands: thoughts on the attitudes of the Lapita people towards islands and their colonization (pp25-35) Text
  • OGAWA Ryoichi:Project Management for Rural Infrastructure Development by Community Participatory (pp37-52) Text
  • KUWAHARA Sueo, OZAKI Takahiro, NISHIMURA Akira:Bullfighting and the Formation of ‘Periphery-Periphery’ Network in East Asia (pp53-72) Text
  • ITOH Mami, SAKAMAKI Yositaka, TSUDA Katsuo and KUSIGEMATI Kanetosi: Comparison of developmental rates and reproductive traits of the common cutworm, Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) feeding on some host plants (pp73-82) Text

South Pacific Studies Vol.27, No.1. 2006

Research Papers

  • Matsui T., Kinoshita K., Machida S., Takahara H., Yamamoto M. and Kanagaki C.; Automatic long-time observation of the volcanic clouds at Satsuma-iojima, Kyushu, Japan (pp1-12) Text
  • Siddhartha Kumar Roy, Md.Abdul Karim, M.Aminul Islama, Md. Nasimul Bari, M.A.Khaleque Mian and Hidaka Tetsushi: relationship between yield and its component characters of bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) (pp13-23) Text
  • Md. Abdullahil Baque, Md. Abdul Karim, Abdul Hamid and Hidaka Tetsushi: Effects of fertilizer potassium on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of wheat (Triticum aestivum) under water stress conditions (pp25-35) Text
  • Patrick D. Nunn, Tony Heorake, esther Tegu, Bronwyn Oloni, Kellington Simeon, Lysa Wini, Sereana Usuramo and Paul Geraghty: Geohazards revealed by myths in the Pacific: a study of islands that have disappered in Solomon islands (pp37-49) Text
  • Subhash Ajay Chandra and Tiru K. Jaraman: Feasibirity study of a single currency for Pacific islands: a principal components approach (pp51-65) Text

South Pacific Studies Vol.26, No.2. 2006

Research Papers

  • Concepcion S. MENDOZA: Trace Elements in Ground Water of Metro Cebu, Philippines (pp61-71) Text
  • Sukristijono SUKARDJO: Botanical Exploration in Small Islands: 1. Floristic Ecology and the Vegetation Types of Pari Island, West Java, Indonesia (pp73-99) Text table
  • Md. Yeamin HOSSAIN, Montaz BEGUM, Zoarder Faruque AHMED Md. Ashabul HOQUE, Md. Abdul KARIM and MD. Abdul WAHAB: A Study on the Effects of Iso-Phosphorus Fertikizers of Plankton Production in Fish Ponds (pp101-110) Text
  • James P. TERRY: Yoron Island in Southern Japan - Quaternary Geology and Solution Controls on Surface Landforms (pp111-123) Text

South Pacific Studies Vol.26, No.1. 2005

Research Papers

  • Abida NASREEN, Ghulam MUSTAFA andMuhammad ASHFAQ: Mortality of Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) After Eposure to Some Insecticides; Laboratory Studies (pp1-6) Text
  • Abida NASREEN, Ghulam Mustafa CHEEMA andMuhammad IQBAL: Relative Toxicity of Different Fugicides Against Larvae of Green Lacewing Chrysoperla carnea (Chrysopidae: Neuroptera) (pp7-13) Text
  • KAWAI Kei: Beach Litter in Amami Islands, Japan (pp15-24) Text
  • INOUE Yukino: Critical Thinking and Diversity Experiences: The Case of an American Pacific Island University (pp25-34) Text
  • MORIMOTO Rie: Democracy: How Commoners Voted in 'Eua Island, the Kingdom of Tonga (pp35-52) Text

South Pacific Studies Vol.25, No.2. 2005

Research Papers

  • Terence Miro LAUFA: Japan's development aid effects on the rural transport industry in PNG: Evidence from the bereina-malalaua road (pp69-95) Text
  • Razia Sultana CHOWDHURY, Md. Abdul KARIM, M. Moynul HAQUE, Abdul HAMID and Hidaka Tetsushi: Effects of enhanced level of CO2 on photosynthesis, nitrogen content and productivity of mungbean (Vigna radiata L. WILCZEK) (pp97-103) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.25, No.1. 2004

Research Papers

  • IWAGAWA Tetsuo, EGUCHI Satoshi, OKAMURA Hiroaki, NAKATANI Munehiro and HASE Tsunao: New phenylpropanoid diglycosides from Viburnum furucatum (pp1-5) Text
  • PARTOMIHARDJO Tukirin, SUZUKI Eizi and YUKAWA Junichi: Development and distribution of vascular epiphytes communities on the Krakatau islands, Indonesia (pp7-26) Text
  • KINOSHITA Kisei, KANAGAKI Chikara, IWATA Shino, KOYAMADA Megumi, GOTO Kazuhiko, HIDAKA Ko-ichi, TUPPER Andrew and IINO Naoko: Ground observation of volcanic plumes and high So2 concentrations at Sakurajima volcano (pp27-34) Text
  • REDDY Mahendra: Economic analysis of artisanal fisheries in Fiji: Issues of profitability and sustainability (pp35-48) Text
  • INOUE Yukino, SANCHEZ John and TERRAL Olympia: The chamorro adult male identity and development (pp49-59) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.24, No.2. 2004

Research Papers

  • ASHFAQ Muhammad, NASREEN and CHEEMA Ghulam Mustafa: Advances in ass rearing of Chrysoperla (Stephen) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) (pp47-53) Text
  • TERRY P. James: Shoreline erosion on a low coral island in Fiji- Causes and consequences (pp55-66) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.24, No.1. 2003

Research Papers

  • Biman PRASAD: Globalization, Human Dimensions and environmental Changes in the South Pacific Islands Nations (pp1-14) Text
  • OTA Yoshitaka: Becoming a Traditional Fisherman? - Reasons for selecting a Fishing Method: Ethnographic Approach to Underwater Speargun Fishing, republic of Palau, Micronesia (pp15-32) Text
  • Deepak V. SAMUEL and Jamila PATTERSON: A Comparative Study on the Radula of Three Coleoid Cephalopods (pp33-38) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.23, No.2. 2003

Research Papers

  • Biman PRASAD: Economic Instruments Versus Environmental Regulations: Its Applicability to Pacific Island Countries (pp1-13) Text
  • Kei KAWAI: Effect of Wave Action on Shell Shape of Marine Snail Nerita plicata and Oil Spill on Marine Coastal Environment (pp15-20) Text
  • Andrew TUPPER and Kisei KINOSHITA: Satellite, Air and Ground Observations of Volcanic Clouds over Islands of the Southwest Pacific (pp21-46) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.23, No.1. 2002

Research Papers

  • Soedarsono RISWAN and Harini SANGAT-ROEMANTYO: Jamu as Traditional Medicine in Java, Indonesia (pp1-10) Text
  • Motoo KITANO, Masao HIRANO, Takashi ISHIHARA, Aichi YOSHIDA, Shosaku HATTORI, Naoko UEDA, Takahito CHIJIWA and Motonori OHNO: Skeletal muscle necrosis in rat induced by Trimeresurus flavoviridis venom can be prevented by its serum proteins (pp11-18) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.22, No.2. 2002

Research Papers

  • Shunsuke ONO, James Davis REIMER and Junzo TSUKAHAWA: seasonal Changes in Zoanthus spp. in the Infra-Littoral Zone at Taisho Lava Field, Sakurajima, Kagoshima, Japan (pp41-52) Text
  • Ralph R. MANA and Gunzo KAWAMURA: Olfactory Organs of Two Pelagic Teleost Fish-Opah (Lampris guttatus) and Dolphin fish (Coryphaena hippurus) (pp53-64) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.22, No.1. 2001

Research Papers

  • Nobio HIGO: Study on the Pine Reef - II Chronological Changes in Configuration and Fish Aggregation (pp1-11) Text
  • Yasuhiro TAJIMA: Dabach, New Settlement, Constructed for Outer Islanders of Yap in Micronesia (pp13-30) Text
  • Motoo KITANO, Masato HIRANO, Makoto YAHATA, Eri UMEMURA, Aichi YOSHIDA, Shosaku HATTORI, Naoko UEDA, Daisuke TSURU, Motonori OHNO: Muscle Necrosis and Regeneration with Lack of Marked Hemorrhage Induced in the Rat After Envenomation of Trimeresurus flavoviridis Venom and its Components, Phospholipase A2 Isozymes (pp31-39) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.21, No.2. 2001

Research Papers

  • Peter KING: Autonomy, Federalism or the Unthinkable? Indonesian debates and the Future of West Papua (pp45-60) Text
  • Muhammad ASHFAQ, M. Kashif NADEEM and S. NADEEM: Impact of Mulberry Varieties and Various Alternate Hosts on the Development of Bombyx mori L. and Silk Yield (pp61-64) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.21, No.1. 2000

Research Papers

  • Machiko MURAKAMI and Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: Biological Studies of Nyctemera adversata (SCHALLE) (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) (pp1-14) Text
  • Akira NAGATOMI, Nagahisa TAMAKI and Neal L. EVENHUIS: A New Systropus from Taiwan and Japan (Diptera, Bombyliidae) (pp15-18) Text
  • Mahendra REDDY: The Economy, National Budget and Development in Fiji: A Case of Keynesian Economics, Neo-liberalism and Economic Gradualism (pp19-31) Text
  • Mahendra REDDY: Natural Disasters and the Island Economics: An Examination of the Economic Cost of Natural Disasters in Fiji (pp33-43) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.20, No.2. 2000

  • Muhammad ASHFAQ, Riaz Ul HAQ, Muhammad SALEEM and Amjad ALI: Effect of Antagonistic Microbial Application on the Population Density of Black Thrips, Caliothrips indicus BAGNALL and Yield of Mashbean, Vigna mungo L. (pp1-5) Text
  • Naoyoshi NAMEDA: Apparent Magnitude of a Visible Star under the Hazard of Light Glare Pollution (pp7-11) Text
  • Machiko MURAKAMI, Katsuo TSUDA and Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: Biological Studies of the Pests Feeding on Gynura bicolor (WILLD.) DC. (Asteraceae). lll. List of Feeding Species, Seasonal Abundance and Damage-Occurrence in Kagoshima Prefecture in 1998 and 1999 (pp13-41) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.20, No.1. 2000

  • Eddy MANTJORO: Socio-Economic System in the Western Pacific Islands - The Practice of Para Island Community, Indonesia- (pp1-37) Text
  • Munetomo NEDACHI, Kammen M. TAKTAI, Yoko NEDACHI: Geochemistry of Paleosols Formed under Oxic and Anoxic Conditions in Babeldaob Island, Palau (pp39-59) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.19, No.1-2. 1999

  • Tiru K. JAYARAMAN: Private Sector Development and Competition in the South Pacific: A Case Study of Vanuatu (pp1-22) Text
  • Muhammad ASHFAQ: Further Studies on Pest-host Interaction in IPM of Mythimina separata (Walk.) (pp23-29) Text
  • Naohiko WATANUKI and Gunzo KAWAMURA: A Review of Cuttlefish Basket Trap Fishery (pp31-48) Text
  • Mariappan PREMANATHAN, Kandasamy KATHIRESAN and Hideki NAKASHIMA: Mangrove Halophytes: A Source of Antiviral Substances (pp49-57) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.18, No.2. 1998

  • Muhammad ASHFAQ, Nisar AHMAD, and Amjad ALI: Effects of Optimum Dosages of Nitrogen, Postassium, Calcium and Copper on Silkworm, Bombyx mori L. Development and Silk Yield (pp47-50) Text
  • Hideharu KUNIYOSHI, Motoo KITANO, Yasuto UCHIO, Taulealeausumai Eti ENOSA, Leitua Faalii ALOAINA, Vaasilifiti Faleniu ASAUA and Shin-ichi TERASHI: Seroepidemiological Survey of Anti-Human T-cell Leukemia Virus-Type I Antibodies in Western Samoa (pp51-56) Text
  • T.K. JAYARAMAN: Private Invetsment in Fiji: 1975-1994 Did Government Investment Have Any Crowding-out Effect? (pp57-67) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.18, No.1. 1997

Front Pages
  • 肥後伸夫:松材漁礁に関する研究 1—初期の集魚効果について [Nobio HIGO: Study on the Pine Reef 1 - On Fish Gathering Effect Observed for about 2 years after Setting] (Japanese with English abstract) (pp1-15) Text (PDF 315K)
  • Motoo KITANO, Charles E. LEHNER, Yasushi TAYA, Hiroki S. OZAKI, Masami TAKENAKA and Mahito KAWASHIMA: Histopathological Study on Dysbaric Osteonecrosis (DON) in Tibiae of Sheep with a Hyperbaric Exposure (pp16-31) Text (PDF 243K)
  • Lamont LINDSTROM: Cultural Tourism in the Pacific (pp33-45) Text (PDF 140K)

South Pacific Study Vol.17, No.2. 1997

  • Ding YANG, Chi-kun YANG and Akira NAGATOMI: The Rhagionidae of China (Diptera) (pp113-262) Text
  • Yoshiko KAKINUMA, Junzo TSUKAHARA and Syozo HAYASAKA: Nautilus Behavior in Aquaria (pp263-272) Text
  • Hiroshi MIYAKE, Kenji IWAO and Yoshiko KAKINUMA: Life History and Environment of Aurelia aurita (pp273-285) Text
  • Tie-Jun LI and Motoo KITANO: Oriental Kimura's Disease and its Relation to Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia with Eosinophilia (ALHE) (pp287-300) Text
  • Hiromitsu IWAMOTO: The Pacific War in relation to Japanese Settlers in Papua and New Guinea (pp301-328) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.17, No.1. 1996

  • Kazutaka NAKANO and Nobufumi MIYAUCHI: Changes in Physical and Chemical Properties of Surface Soil in a Swidden and Subsequent Fallow in a Northwestern Region of Malaita Island, Solomon Islands (pp1-20) Text
  • Akio HATTA: Pyrgo rasheedi, n. sp. (Foraminifera) (pp21-28) Text
  • Hiromitsu IWAMOTO: Japanese Southward Expansion in the South Seas and Its Relations with Japanese Settlers in Papua and New Guinea, 1919-1940 (pp29-81) Text
  • Diep Dinh HOA: New Findings of Zhang in the Phung Nguyen Culture (pp83-101) Text
  • Diep Dinh HOA: Dynamics of Yao Genealogy (A Case Study of a Yen Stream Village) (pp103-111) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.16, No.2. 1996

  • J. R. FLENLEY: Further Evidence of Vegetational Change on Easter Island (pp135-141) Text
  • Hiromitsu IWAMOTO: The Impact of World War I on Japanese Settlers in Papua and New Gunea, 1914-1918 (pp143-174) Text
  • Masahiro YAMAO: Transitional Stage Towards Structural Reforms of Agricultural Cooperatives in Thailand (pp175-197) Text
  • 田島康弘:沖永良部島における退職者の生活史 [Yasuhiro TAJIMA: Life History of Retired People in Okinoerabu-island] (Japanese with English abstract) (pp199-223) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.16, No.1. 1995

  • Ningwu LIU, Akira NAGATOMI and Neal L. EVENHUIS: Genitalia of Thirty Four Genera of Bombyliidae (Diptera) (pp1-116) Text
  • Munetomo NEDACHI, Yoko NEDACHI and Sachihiro TAGUCHI: Preliminary Study on the Hotspring Waters in the Ladolam Gold Deposit Area, Lhir Island, Papua New Guinea (pp117-126) Text
  • Izumi HARAGUCHI: The Infuence of the Civil War in the US on the Meiji Restoration in Japan (pp127-134) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.15, No.2. 1995

  • Harley I. MANNER and Dickson SANA: The Vascular Plants of Losap Atoll (pp49-73) Text
  • Tatsuro MATSUOKA: Fisheries Development Policy and Education in Papua New Guinea (pp75-96) Text
  • Hiromitsu IWAMOTO: The Origin and Development of Japanese Settlement in Papua and New Guinea, 1890-1914 (pp97-133) Text
  • Yasuaki TAKAHASHI: On the Polical Culture of Contemporary New Zealand Society (pp135-146) Text (in Japanese)

South Pacific Study Vol.15, No.1. 1994

  • Munetomo NEDACHI, Akio INOUE and Sachihiro TAGUCHI: Water geochemistry of Wewak region, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea (pp1-7) Text
  • Fidias E. LEON-S., Amparo ARIZA-DELEON, Adriana ARIZA-C. and Martha E. LEON-S.: Mitochondrial DNA and some more on the ancient Japanese-South American linkage: Recent concepts (pp9-15) Text
  • Shinichi TERASHI, Motoo KITANO, Yasuto UCHIO, Hideharu KUNIYOSHI, Taulealea Eti ENOSA, Faalii ALOAINA and Vaasili Faleniu ASAUA: Seroepidemiological Study of Anti-Adult T-cell Leukemia Associated Antibodies in Western Samoa (pp17-23) Text
  • Hiromitsu IWAMOTO: Nanshin and Japanese migrants in Papua New Guinea: myth and reality of Japanese expansion in the South Seas (pp25-47) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.14, No.2. 1994

  • Akira NAGATOMI, Ningwu LIU and Kazuaki YANAGIDA: Notes on the Proratinae (Diptera: Scenopinidae) (pp137-222) Text
  • Motoo KITANO, Mahito KAWASHIMA, Ko HAYASHI, Shin-ichi TOKUFUJI, Yasushi TAYA and Charles E. LEHNER: Histopathological Study of the Bone Marrow of Rabbit Femora with Experimentally Induced Acute Decompression Sickness (pp223-231) Text
  • Sueo KUWAHARA: Dyadic Relations in Malay Village Politics A Case of Village Leader Election in Negeri Sembilan (pp233-256) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.14, No.1. 1993

  • Ding YANG and Akira NAGATOMI: The Xylomyidae of China (Diptera) (pp1-84) Text
  • Akira NAGATOMI: Taxonomic notes on Xylomyidae (Diptera) (pp85-93) Text
  • John McKINNON: Resource Management under Traditional Tenure: The Political Ecology of a Contemporary Problem, New Georgia Islands, Solomon Islands (pp95-117) Text
  • Masahiro YAMAO: Porlitical Economy of Agricultural Cooperatives in Southeast Asia (pp119-136) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.13, No.2. 1993

  • Ding YANG and Akira NAGATOMI: The Chinese Oxycera (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) (pp131-160) Text
  • Md. Lutfe ALAM, Teruzane KAKOI, Nobufumi MIYAUCHI and Akio SHINAGAWA: Electron Microscopic Observation of Clays of Calcareous and Noncalcareous Soils in Bangladesh (pp161-172) Text
  • Motoo KITANO, Charles E. LEHNER, Mahito KAWASHIMA, Yasushi TAYA and Edward H. LANPHIER: Experimentally Induced Dysbaric Osteonecrosis in Sheep: a Histopathological Analysis (pp173-182) Text
  • Masahiro YAMAO: Cooperative Movement in Thailand: Towards the Establishment of Cooperatives Society Act in 1968 (pp183-210) Text
  • Jun TAKEDA: The Ikei Islanders: Fishing Practices in an Okinawan Coral Ecosystem (pp211-234) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.13, No.1. 1992

  • Ding YANG and Akira NAGATOMI: The Chinese Clitellaria (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) (pp1-35) Text
  • Jiraporn TAYUTIVUTIKUL and Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: Biological Studies of Insects Feeding on the Kudzu Plant, Pueraria lobata (Leguminosae) (pp37-89) Text
  • Masao ISHII: Displaying Political Order: Yam Cultivation in Tokaimalo, Ra Province, Viti Levu, Fiji (pp91-106) Text
  • Jun TAKEDA: Seasonality and Change in Traditional Fishing Patterns in Minatogawa, Okinawa (pp107-129) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.12, No.2. 1992

  • Kazutaka NAKANO: On the vegetational change in fallows at a hamlet in a northwestern region of Malaita, the Solomon Islands (pp113-127) Text
  • Ding YANG and Akira NAGATOMI: A Study on the Chinese Beridinae (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) (pp129-178) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.12, No.1. 1991

  • Tetsuro AJISAKA: Cladosiphon novae-caledoniae KYLIN (Phaeophyceae, Chordariales) from New Caledonia (pp1-6) Text
  • Tomoya AKIMICHI: Sea tenure and its tansformation in the Lau of North Malaita, Solomon Islands (pp7-22) Text
  • Akira NAGATOMI, Ningwu LIU, Nagahisa TAMAKI and Neal L. EVENHUIS: The genus Systropus from Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Thailand (Diptera, Bombyliidae) (pp23-112) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.11, No.2. 1991

  • Munetomo NEDACHI, Salam MALAGUN, Masahiro YAMAMOTO, Sachihiro TAGUCHI, Yoshihide SHIGA and Shoji HIGASHI : Halogen geochemistry in the Ok Tedi porphyry copper system, Papua New Guinea (pp69-81) Text
  • Tadao C. KATAYAMA: On the wild rice, Oryza breviligulata CHEV. et ROEHR., collected in Ivory Coast (pp83-91) Text
  • Motoo KITANO, Ko HAYASHI, Nahito KAWASHIMA, Shin-ichiro TOKUFUJI and Atsushi URAGO: Histopathological analysis of the brain of an acute decompression sickness (DCS) victim (pp93-103) Text
  • Eddy MANTJORO and Chikashi KATAOKA: Socio-economic characteristics of the skipjack fishey in Indonesia (pp105-122) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.11, No.1. 1990

  • Yasuhiro TAJIMA: Migrant settlements in Port Moresby (pp1-21) Text (in Japanese)
  • Munetomo NEDACHI, Mamoru ENJOJI, Masahiko YAMAMOTO, Salam MALAGUN, Sachihiro TAGUCHI, Yoshihide SHIGA, Shoji HIGASHI and Warren MANSER: Role of halogen elements on the Panguna porphyry copper mineralization, Bougainville, Papua New Guinea (pp23-36) Text
  • Akira NAGATOMI and Hisako NAGATOMI: Three new Rhagio from the Ryukyus (Iriomote I.) and Borneo (Diptera, Rhagionidae) (pp37-49) Text
  • Nobio HIGO, Makoto KAKIMOTO, Hiroshi SHIMIZU, David PLOTNER, Hiroshi HASHI and Toyomi KAMIMIZUTARU: On the fish gathering effect of the artificial reefs ascertained by the diving observation (XX). At the off-sea in Kagoshima Bay, Kagoshima Prefecture (pp51-67) Text (in Japanese)

South Pacific Study Vol.10, No.2. 1990

  • Tetsuro AJISAKA and John A. KILAR: Turbinaria sp. (Phaeophyceae, Sargassaceae) from Iwayama Bay, Palau Islands (Western Caroline Islands) (pp235-240) Text
  • Nobio HIGO, David PLOTNER, Shinichi NAKASHIMA, Shigeru FUJIEDA and Hiroshi HASHI: On the Fish Gathering Effect of the Artificial Reefs Ascertained by the Diving Observation XIX. At the reefs Offshore of Tanegashima, Kagoshima Prefecture (pp241-251) Text
  • NobioHIGO, Cornelis F. T. MANDEY, Toyomi KAMIMIZUTARU, Masahiro NAKAMURA and Kentaro FUJISAKI: On the Behavior of Net Fishing Gear Ascertained by Diving Observation2.. Gochi Net in Eguchi Hama (pp253-261) Text
  • Shin'ichi TERASHI, Hiroaki NAKASHIMA, Koichi YAMAGUCHI, Kodwo J. ABAIDOO, Tom TALONU and Tukutau TAUFA: Seroepidemiological Study on Adult T-cell Leukemia /Lymphoma in Papua New Guinea (pp263-274) Text (in Japanese)
  • Motoo KITANO, Atsushi URAGO, Ko HAYASHI, Mahito KAWASHIMA, Keisuke FUNAKOSHI, Kunio YAMADA and Shin-ichiro TOKUFUJI: A Pathological Study on Cerebral Lesions in Diver's Decompression Sickness (DCS) (pp275-285) Text
  • Yasuhiro TAJIMA: Prewar Emigration of Amami People to U. S. A. Laying Stress on Onozu Village, Kikai Island (pp287-303) Text (in Japanese)
  • Takehiko NAKANE and Seiki YAMANE: A New Species of the Genus Metoecus Gertaecker (Cleoptera, Rhipiphoridae) from West Sumatra, Indonesia (pp305-308) Text
  • Akira NAGATOMI and Hisako NAGATOMI: A New Arthroteles from South Africa (Diptera, Rhagionidae) (pp309-316) Text
  • Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: A New Species of Apholium TOWNES from Formosa (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) (pp317-320) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.10, No.1. 1989

  • Kimihiko Oki: Ecological Analysis of Benthonic Foraminifera in Kagoshima Bay, South Kyusyu, Japan (pp1-191) Text1 (pp1-60), Text2 (pp61-122), Text3 (pp123-191), Plates (table 8 and Fig,. 3 are not included in these files. If you would like to read them, please contact us.)
  • Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: A New Species of Sympherta FOERSTER from Formosa (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) (pp193-197) Text
  • Hisako NAGATOMI and Akira NAGATOMI: Female terminalia of Dioctria nakanensis and Microstylum dimorphum (Diptera, Asilidae) (pp199-210) Text
  • Muhammad TAUFIQ and Shigero IWAKIRI: The Household Fisheries Management in the North Coast of Java, Indonesia (pp211-234) Text

South Pacific Study Vol.9, No.1-2.1988

  • Hisako NAGATOMI and Akira NAGATOMI: Female terminalia of Goneccalypsis lucida and Laphria nigrovittata (Diptera, Asilidae) (pp1-10) Text
  • Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: Mesochorinae Collected by the Hokkaido University Expedition to Nepal Himalaya, 1968 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) (pp11-19) Text
  • Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: New Host Records of Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera), with Description of a New Species and Notes on Some Known Species from Japan and Korea (VII) (pp21-27) Text

Memoirs of the KURCSP Vol.8, No.2. 1987

  • Toshihiro ICHIKAWA, Law Ah THEEM and Kartini BTE MOHAMAD: Particulate Organic Carbon in the Malaysian Coastal Waters of the South China Sea (pp79-86) Text
  • Kazutaka NAKANO, Toshiharu WATANABE, Rustam USMAN and Syahbuddin: A Fundamental Study of Overall Conservation of Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecosystems in a Montane Region of Western Sumatra: Vegetation, Land-use and Water Quality (pp87-124) Text
  • Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: Anomalinae Collected by the Hokkaido University Expedition to Nepal Himalaya, 1968 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) (pp125-138) Text
  • Akira NAGATOMI and Hisako NAGATOMI: The Genus Austroleptis from South Chile and Patagonia (Diptera, Rhagionidae) (pp139-156) Text
  • Tadao C. KATAYAMA: On the Wild Rice, Oryza longistaminata CHEV. et ROEHR., Collected in Ethiopia (pp157-169) Text
  • Vina RAM and Shigero IWAKIRI: Basic Characteristics of Small Island Economies in the South Pacific A Case Study of Fiji (pp170-205) Text
  • MuhammadTAUFIQ and Yoshiaki MATSUDA: An Economic Analysis of Commercial Fish Landings in the Republic of Palau (pp206-227) Text
  • Hirofumi SAKIMURA: On the Accent of Palauan Words Borrowed from Foreign Languages (pp228-250) Text (in Japanese)
  • Shizuya KASAMO and Tetsuhiko ASAKURA: Genetics and Regional Differences of Central Neurofibromatosis in Southern Kyusyu Area (pp251-256) Text (in Japanese)

Memoirs of the KURCSP Vol.8, No.1. 1987

  • Hirofumi SAKIMURA: A New View on the Accentual Systems of the Japanese Dialects in Haterumajima (pp1-11) Text (in Japanese)
  • Akira NAGATOMI and Leif LYNEBORG: Redescription of Irwiniella sauteri from Taiwan and the Ryukyus (Diptera, Therevidae) (pp12-20) Text
  • Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: Some Ephialtinae, Banchinae, Porizontinae, Mesochorinae, Metopiinae and Acaenitinae of Formosa (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) (pp21-33) Text
  • Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: Porizontinae and Diplazontinae Collected by the Hokkaido University Expedition to Nepal Himalaya, 1968 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) (pp34-51) Text
  • Seiki YAMANE: A Study of the New Genus Okinawepipona in the Ryukyus and Taiwan (Hymenoptera, Eumenidae) (pp52-57) Text
  • Tadao C. KATAYAMA: Morphological Characters of the Cultivated Rice Grains of Madura, Indonesia (I) (pp58-68) Text
  • Akio INOUE: Distribution of Heavy Metals and Inorganic Nutrients in Nagura Estuary, Ishigaki, Ryukyu Islands (pp69-77) Text

Memoirs of the KURCSP Vol.7, No.2. 1986

  • Tadao C. KATAYAMA: On the Wild Rice, Oryza officinalis WALL., Collected at Tembilahan, Sumatra, Indonesia (pp53-64) Text
  • Felicitas P. PASCUAL and Akio KANAZAWA: Specific Amino Acid- Free Semi-Purified Diets for Penaeus monodon Juveniles (pp65-72) Text
  • Hirofumi SAKIMURA: A New View on the Accentual Systems of the Japanese Dialects in Okino-erabujima (pp73-84) Text (in Japanese)
  • Nobufumi MIYAUCHI and Hiroko HARUTA: Studies on Ejecta from Gallungung Volcano, West Java, Indonesia, Referring to Its Effects on Crop Growth (pp85-90) Text
  • Akira NAGATOMI: The Formosan Rhagionidae Described by BEZZI (Diptera) (pp91-105) Text
  • Akira NAGATOMI and Hiroki IMAIZUMI: Redescription of Goneccalypsis lucida (Diptera, Asilidae) (pp106-118) Text
  • Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: A Preliminary Revision of Tribe Pristicerotini Occurring in Formosa, with Descriptions of Four New Species (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) (pp119-136) Text
  • Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: A New Species of Javra CAMERON from Formosa (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) (pp137-140) Text

Memoirs of the KURCSP Vol.7, No.1. 1986

  • Hideo TAGAWA, Eizi SUZUKI and Tukirin PARTOMIHARDJO: A List of Plant Species Collected from the Krakatau Islands and Adjacent Areas, Indonesia (pp1-21) Text
  • Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: On the Formosan Species of the Genus Lusius Tosquinet, with Description of a New Species (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) (pp22-27) Text
  • Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: A New Species of the Genus Notosemus Foerster from Formosa (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) (pp28-32) Text
  • Michio TAKATANI: Ko Myo Shin in Burma (pp33-52) Text (in Japanese)

Memoirs of the KURCSP Vol.6, No.2. 1985

  • Yasuhiro TAJIMA: Marketing in Papua New Guinea (pp175-186) Text
  • Takefumi TERADA: Communicating with Spirits Spirit Possession and Popular Catholicism in the Philippines (pp187-210) Text (in Japanese)
  • Akira NAGATOMI: A New Ptiolina from Nepal (Diptera, Rhagionidae) (pp211-219) Text
  • Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: Three New Species of Retalia Seyrig from Formosa and Japan (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) (pp220-228) Text
  • Elof Machten KATIANDAGHO and Takehiko IMAI: Fundamental Studies on the Fishing Efficiency of Purse Seine (pp229-247) Text
  • Masaki YAHIRO, Norihiko YASUHIRO and Shigeru HIRA: Effects of Various Daylength-Treatments on the Growth of Shoots and the Dormancy of Lateral Buds in Mulberry (pp248-255) Text

Memoirs of the KURCSP Vol.6, No.1. 1985

  • Tomonori NAGAHAMA, Shigeo FUJIMOTO and Toshihiko SUGANUMA: Starches from Yam, Taro and Cassava (pp1-10) Text (in Japanese)
  • Akio SHINAGAWA, Teruo HIGASHI and Tadao C. KATAYAMA: Back Soils, Coastal Sands and Marine Sediments of Nagura Bay in Comparison with Those of Kabira Bay, Ishigaki Island, Okinawa Prefecture (pp11-25) Text
  • Teruo HIGASHI, Tadao C. KATAYAMA and Akio SHINAGAWA: Land Development Works and Soil Erosion in Okinawa Prefecture (pp26-36) Text
  • Tadao C. KATAYAMA, Akio SHINAGAWA and Teruo HIGASHI: Agricultural Environment of the Back Land of Nagura Bay, Okinawa Prefecture (pp37-55) Text
  • Shin-ichi TESHIMA, Akio KANAZAWA and Yoshihiro UCHIYAMA: Effects of Dietary Protein, Lipid and Digestible Carbohydrate Levels on the Weight Gain, Feed Conversion Efficiency and Protein Efficiency Ratio of Tilapia nilotica (pp56-71) Text
  • Takahiko OGATA, Noritomo KAWAJI, Kazuharu MINE and Miyoko YAMAMOTO: Human Skeletal Remains from the Teauma Site, Marakei Island, Gilbert Islands, Republic of Kiribati (pp72-92) Text
  • Eiji NITTA: Pottery-making in Ban Mai, Muang District, Surin Province, Northeast Thailand and the paddle and anvil technique in Southeast Asia (pp93-101) Text (in Japanese)
  • Hirofumi SAKIMURA: A New View on the Accentual Systems of the Japanese Dialects in Central Amami-Oshima (pp102-113) Text (in Japanese)
  • Akira NAGATOMI and Keiko TAWAKI: Nemomydas, new to the Oriental region (Diptera, Mydidae) (pp114-129) Text
  • Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: Mesochorinae of Formosa (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) (pp130-165) Text
  • Seiki YAMANE, Yutaka HARADA and Masami YANO: Ant fauna of Tanegashima Island, the northern Ryukyus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) (pp166-173) Text

Memoirs of the KURCSP Vol.5, No.2. 1984

  • Akira NAGATOMI: Notes on Athericidae (Diptera) (pp87-106) Text
  • Masaki YAHIRO, Michio ONJO and Kiyotake ISHIHATA: Studies on the Formation-process and the Germination- promotion of Seeds in the Bird of Paradise(Strelitzia reginae BANKS) (pp107-125) Text
  • Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: Some Ephialtinae of South East Asia, with descriptions of eleven new species (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) (pp126-150) Text
  • Yoshiaki MATSUDA and Kazuomi OUCHI: Legal, Political and Economic Constraints on Japanese Strategies for Distant-Water Tuna and Skipjack Fisheries in Southeast Asian Seas and the Western Central Pacific (pp151-232) Text

Memoirs of the KURCSP Vol.5, No.1. 1984

  • Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: Some Cremastinae of South East Asia, with Descriptions of Three New Species (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) (pp1-9) Text
  • Akira NAGATOMI: Taxonomic Notes on Atrichops (Diptera, Athericidae) (pp10-24) Text
  • Eizi SUZUKI and Hideo TAGAWA: Survival Ratio of Mangrove Juveniles in Nagura Estuary, Ishigaki Island, Okinawa (pp25-30) Text
  • Tadao C. KATAYAMA: On the Wild Rice, Oryza sativa var. spontanea ROSCHEV., Collected at Babat, East Java, Indonesia (pp31-41) Text
  • Shigeo FUJIMOTO, Tomoaki YADA, Toshihiko SUGANUMA and Tomonori NAGAHAMA: Starches on the Market in South-East Asia (II) Some "Starch-pearls" in Indonesia and Formosa (pp42-52) Text (in Japanese)
  • Shigero IWAKIRI and Vina RAM: An Introductory Study of the Socio- economic Aspects of Household Fisheries in the Small Islands Economies of the South Pacific (pp53-65) Text
  • Chikashi KATAOKA: Localization Policy and Development of Industrial Fisheries in Papua New Guinea (pp66-85) Text (in Japanese)

Memoirs of the KURCSP Vol.4, No.2. 1983

  • Shigero IWAKIRI: Mataqali of the Sea -A Study of the Customary Right on Reef and Lagoon in Fiji, the South Pacific- (pp133-143) Text
  • Eiji NITTA: Archaeological Sites on Takaroa Atoll, Western Tuamotus and Their Problems (pp144-162) Text (in Japanese)
  • Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: A Revision of the Tribe Nonnini of Formosa and Japan (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae, Porizontinae) (pp163-187) Text
  • Masaaki CHAEN, Fumiatsu IKEDA and Tomohiro KAWAGUCHI: A Distribution of Surface-Water Masses in the Lungga Estuary, the Solomon Islands (pp188-193) Text
  • Toshihiro ICHIKAWA: Distribution of Two Groups of Bacteria, Oligotrophs and Eutrophs, in the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea (pp194-199) Text
  • Zainal ASHIRIN and Takehiko IMAI: Model Experiments on Small Trawls Feasibility Study on the Double Rigged Versus Single Rigged Type (pp200-214) Text

Memoirs of the KURCSP Vol.4, No.1. 1983

  • Masaaki CHAEN: Annual Variation of Thermocline Topography in the Western Toropical Pacific (pp1-8) Text
  • Akio INOUE: Distribution of a Toxic Dinoflagellate, Gambierdiscus toxicus, in French Polynesia (pp9-18) Text
  • Takefumi TERADA: A Study of Religious Life in a Southern Tagalog Rural Community in the Philippines (pp19-79) Text (in Japanese)
  • Hirofumi SAKIMURA: A New View on the Accentual System of the Japanese Dialects in Ryukyu Sakishima Islands (pp80-94) Text (in Japanese)
  • Shigeo FUJIMOTO, Syuhei HORIKAWA, Tomoaki YADA, Toshihiko SUGANUMA and Tomonori NAGAHAMA: Starches on the Market in South-East Asia (I) Packaged Starches for Home Cooking in Indonesia (pp95-103) Text (in Japanese)
  • Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: Some Anomalinae of Formosa (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) (pp104-118) Text
  • Seiki YAMANE and Tadashi TANO: Studies on the genus Anterhynchium and its related genera of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan (Hymenoptera, Eumenidae) (pp119-132) Text

Memoirs of the KURCSP Vol.3, No.2. 1983

Special Issue dedicated to Professor Sasuke Nakao
  • 中尾佐助教授 略歴・海外探検調査歴・著作目録 (pp1-22) Text
  • Gunzo KAWAMURA, Daniel R. MONINTJA and Kusman MANGUNSKARTO: Occurrence of Young Milkfish Chanos chano (FORSSKAL) in Indonesia (pp23-32) Text
  • Prasit BURI and Gunzo KAWAMURA: The Mechanics of Mass Occurrence and Recruitment Strategy of Milkfish Chanos chanos (FORSSKAL) Fry in the Philippines (pp33-55) Text
  • Sophon RUANGPAN and Takehiko IMAI: Model Experiments on the Physical Characteristics of the Thai Shrimp Trawl Gear (pp56-74) Text
  • Shigeo FUJIMOTO: Utilization of Cassava in Indonesia (pp75-85) Text (in Japanese)
  • Takeshi HIGA and Toshio SAISHO: Metamorphosis and Growth of the Late Stage Phyllosoma of Scyllarus kitanoviriosus HARADA (Decapoda, Scyllaridae) (pp86-98) Text (in Japanese)
  • Tadao C. KATAYAMA: Some Aspects on Rice Cultivation in East Java, Indonesia, especially on Madura Island (pp99-115) Text
  • Masaki YAHIRO and Kazuhiro EGUCHI: Studies on the Germination-Promotion in Sugarcane Buds-The Effects of Hot Water Pre-Sowing Treatments at 35℃ on the Germination Promotion in Sugarcane Buds (pp116-122) Text
  • Kanetosi KUSIGEMATI: Some Metopiinae of Taiwan (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) (pp123-138) Text
  • Junichi YUKAWA: A New Midge Gall of Asphondylia Species (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) from Okinawa (pp139-145) Text
  • Akira NAGATOMI: The Oriental Scylaticus (Diptera, Asilidae) (pp146-162) Text
  • Akira NAGATOMI: A New Canthyloscelis from New Zealand (Diptera, Canthyloscelidae) (pp163-168) Text
  • Seiki YAMANE and Mamoru TERAYAMA: Description of a New Subspecies of Bakeronymus typicus ROHWER Parasitic on the Social Wasp Parapolybia varia FABRICIUS in Taiwan (Hymenoptera: Trigonalidae) (pp169-173) Text
  • Eiji NITTA: Prehistoric Habitation and Subsistence Pattern on Reao, Eastern Tuamotu Archipelago (pp174-210) Text (in Japanese)
  • Michio TAKATANI: An Anthropological Study of Burmese Buddhism (pp211-224) Text (in Japanese)
  • Shigero IWAKIRI and A. R. Mowla NEAZ: Some Notes on the Socio-Economic Aspect of Small-Scale Aquaculture Development in the Bay of Bengal Region (pp225-230) Text
  • Tamotsu TERAWAKI: Human Genetic Studies on South Kyushu,South West Islands and Formosa (pp231-239) Text (in Japanese)
  • Tsugio YANAGIBASH, Tetsuo ANDO, Jyun TOMARI, Ichiro WAKISAKA: Report on the Public Health Center Program in Asahan, North Sumatra, Indonesia. (pp240-249) Text

Memoirs of the KURCSP Vol.3, No.1. 1982

  • Kunio IWATSUKI: First Supplement (Pteridophytes) to "The List of Plants Collected from Papua New Guinea in 1979" (pp1-3) Text
  • Toshio SHIN: Second Supplement (Bryophytes) to "The List of Plants Collected from Papua New Guinea in 1979" (pp5-32) Text
  • Toshihiro ICHIKAWA: Note on Particulate Organic Carbon in Bermuda Waters (pp33-37) Text
  • Akira NAGATOMI: Notes on Rachiceridae (Diptera) (pp39-65) Text
  • Shozo HAYASAKA, Toshio SAISHO, Yoshiko KAKINUMA, Akihiko SHINOMIYA, Kimihiko OKI, Takashi HAMADA, Kazushige TANABE, Yasumitsu KANIE, Mutsuo HATTORI, Frederik VANDE VUSSE, Lawton ALCALA, Paciente A. CORDERO, Jr., Jaime J. CABRERA and Renato G. GARCIA: Field Study on the Habitat of Nautilus in the Environs of Cebu and Negros Islands, the Philippines (pp67-173) Text
  • Yoshiro NISHI: Ghale LanguageムA Tibeto-Burman Language in Nepal (pp139-167) Text (in Japanese)

Memoirs of the KURCSP Vol.2, No.1. 1981

  • Gunzo KAWAMURA, Waichiro NISHIMURA, Soichi UEDA and Tooru NISHI: Vision in Tunas and Marlins (pp3-47) Text
  • Junichi YUKAWA: Collecting record of the machilus leaf gall midge, Daphnephila machilicola YUKAWA (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) from Formosa (pp49-50) Text
  • Yoshiaki MATUDA : Japanese Tuna and Skipjack Fisheries in Southeast Asian Seas and the South Pacific Under the New Law of the Sea Regime (pp51-66) Text (in Japanese)
  • Shuichi IWAHORI and J. T. OOHATA: Effects of 2-chloroethylphonic acid and calcium acetate on defoliation and fruit drop, and degreening of ponkan, Citrus reticulata Blanco, fruit (pp67-73) Text (in Japanese)
  • Eiji NITTA: Marae on Reao atoll, Tuamotu archipelago, French Polynesia (pp75-121) Text (in Japanese)
  • Hideo TAGAWA, Kenji UESATO, Tusuke SAKATA, Tadamasa KUNIMOTO and Takayuki TANAKA: Distribution and Ecology of Malaysian Rhododendrons in Papua New Guinea (pp123-160) Text

Memoirs of the KURCSP Vol.1, No.1. 1980

  • Hideo TAGAWA, Kenji UESATO, Yusuke SAKATA, Tadamasa KUNIMOTO and Takayuki TANAKA: Expedition of Kagoshima University into Papua New Guinea (pp3-24) Text
  • Prasit BURI: Ecology on the Feeding of Milkfish Fry and Juveniles, Chanos chanos (FORSSKAL) (pp25-42) Text
  • Cesar T. VILLEGAS and Akio KANAZAWA: Rearing of the Larval Stages of Prawn, Penaeus Japonicus BATE, Using Artificial Diet. (pp43-49) Text
  • Cesar T. VILLEGAS, Teow-LOON LI and Akio KANAZAWA: The Effects of Feeds and Feeding Levels on the Survival of a Prawn, Penaeus monodon Larvae (pp51-55) Text
  • Hachiro HIRATA, Takafumi MAKITA, Fumiatsu IKEDA, Seiji HIGASHIKAWA, Toru NISHI, Sumihiro ARIMA, Sunao MASUMITSU and Akio HORIWAKI: Distribution Ratio of Useable/Trash Fish Caught by Long-line Fishing (pp57-63) Text
  • Gunzo KAWAMURA, Shiro HARA and Teodora BAGARINAO: A Fundamental Study on the Behaviour of Milkfish Fry for Improving the Efficiency of Traditional Fry Collecting Gear in the Philippines (pp65-74) Text
  • Gunzo KAWAMURA and Yasushi SHINODA: Change in Phototactic Behaviour with Growth of Milkfish, Chanos chanos (FORSSKAL) (pp75-87) Text
  • Masaki YAHIRO: On the Selection Conditions of Varieties of Mulberries in Cultivation in the Southwest Islands, Viewed from Dormancyin their Winter Buds (pp89-92) Text (in Japanese)
  • Katsumi TAMURA: Annual-Cycle Ceremonies and Dualism in One Village in Upper Burma (pp93-141) Text (in Japanese)