藤井琢磨 (沖縄科学技術大学院大学(OIST)微生物二次代謝産物ユニット)
;花虫綱 ;六放サンゴ亜綱 ;スナギンチャク目)は、知見が不足している海洋底生無脊椎動物の一つである。形態学および分子系統学的解析をもとに調査を進めた結果、スナギンチャク目から複数の科や属が新たに記載され、またスナギンチャク目とイソギンチャク目は従来考えられてきた以上に近縁であることが分かった。また、イソギンチャク目が単系統群ではない可能性も示唆された。
「Science for Regional Peace: Seaweed Database Building in the South China
Sea and Adjacent Regions」
Lawrence M. Liao (Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University)
The islands and the seabeds of the South China Sea have been the subject
of conflicting territorial claims causing political tensions in the region.
While this important geopolitical area is considered rich in terms of untapped
fishery and seabed resources, very little is known about them. Efforts
to bring scientists from all countries bordering the South China Sea under
one roof have been initiated with some encouraging results. The biodiversity
conferences that followed have instilled resource sharing and confidence
building among the regional scientists. This presentation will deal with
efforts to generate baseline data for seaweed diversity in countries bordering
the South China Sea and the numerous islands within that will be useful
for resource management.