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Tables of Contents

South Pacific Newsletter No.35

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  • JSPS Core to Core: Asia Africa Science Platforms in 2021-2023
    • Goals of the Project
    • Activities
    • Reports from University of the Philippines, Visayas
    • Reports from University of Sabah, Malaysia
    • Reports from University of Pattimura, Indonesia
  • Research Seminars (link to English Page)
  • Recent Publications (South Pacific Studies, Occasional Papers, Toshoken Dayori)

Tables of Contents

South Pacific Newsletter No.34

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Tables of Contents

South Pacific Newsletter No.33

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Tables of Contents

South Pacific Newsletter No.32

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Tables of Contents

South Pacific Newsletter No.31

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  • YAMAMOTO S.: Establishment of the International Academic Exchange Between the Center for Jeju Studies, Korea, and International Center for Island Studies, Kagoshima University
  • Introducing my Research
    • KERE, G.: Protecting our Marine Resources Within our Waters and Boundaries: the Solomon Islands
    • TAKAMIYA, H.: Unique Aspects of the Prehistory of the Amami and Okinawa Archipelagos, Japan
  • Research Seminars (link to English Page)
  • Recent Publications (South Pacific Studies, Occasional Papers, Toshoken Dayori)

Tables of Contents

South Pacific Newsletter No.30

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  • Research on Influence the Life in the Republic of the Marshall Islands (Mili, Takaiwa, Nalu of Mili Atoll) by Globalization and Global Warming
    • YANAGAWA H.: Bilingual Education on Mili Atoll: a Case Study of Elementary Schools on Mili Island, Takaiwa Island, and Nalu Island
    • KAWAI K. Coastal Erosion and Seashell Colour Diversity Influenced by Environmental Changes in the Republic of the Marshall Islands
    • OTSUKA Y.: Mosquito Habitats in Mili Atoll of the Republic of the Marshall Islands
    • YAMAMOTO S.: Ethnobotanical Study on Chili Peppers (Capsicum spp.) in Mili Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands
    • TAKAMIYA H.: Prehistory and People of the Republic of the Marshall Islands
  • Research Seminars (link to English Page)
  • Recent Publications (South Pacific Studies, Occasional Papers, Toshoken Dayori)

Tables of Contents

South Pacific Newsletter No.29

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  • Research on Influence the Life in Pohnpei state of Federated States of Micronesia by Globalization and Global Warming
    • KAWAI K.: Shell Color Polymorphism in Populations of The Intertidal Gastropod Nerita Plicata
    • TAKAMIYA H.: Prehistory and People of Pohnpei
    • YAMAMOTO S.: Long-Term Food Consumption Survey in The Federated States of Micronesia: A Case Study in Pingelap Island, Pohnpei State
    • OTSUKA Y.: Mosquito Habitats in Pohnpei State of Federated States of Micronesia
  • PAPOUTSAKI E.: Mapping The Communicative Ecology of Amami Islands
  • Research Seminars (link to English Page)
  • Visit Embassy of the Federated States of Micronesia
  • Recent Publications (South Pacific Studies, Occasional Papers, Toshoken Dayori)

Tables of Contents

South Pacific Newsletter No.28

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Tables of Contents

South Pacific Newsletter No.27

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Tables of Contents

South Pacific Newsletter No.26

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Tables of Contents

South Pacific Newsletter No.25

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Tables of Contents

South Pacific Newsletter No.24

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Tables of Contents

South Pacific Newsletter No.23

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Tables of Contents

South Pacific Newsletter No.22

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  • Reflections on my attachment at the Kagoshima University (Vina RAM-BIDESI)
  • A fish story (Ian CAMPBELL)
  • Symposium (link to Japanese Page)
  • Research Seminars (link to English Page)
  • Field Research (link to Japanese Page)
  • New Staff (Sota YAMAMOTO)
  • Recent Publications

Webmaster: YAMAMOTO Sota sotayamacpi.kagoshima-u.ac.jp
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