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Yanagida Kunio’s Folklore, Re-Overlooking sea-road of the East Asia
Date:2 July 2013, 12:30 - 16:30
Place:The Interdivisional Education and Research Building , 5th Floor


12:30 Greeting
     Na sueng man (President of Comparative Folklore society)
     Noda Shinich (President of Research center for the Pacific Islands)

12:40 「Seen as the photos of, folklore and life in Amami Archipelago」
        ●Lee, YoonSun (Research center for the Pacific Islands, Kagoshima University)

13:10  「Yanagida Kunio’s 「海上の道」:100 Years form「海南小記の旅」,
                     Now, What we can do with Japan and Korea」
        ●Yanagawa Hidedoshi (Kagoshima University)

13:50 「As a metaphor「海上の道」: Imagination space of poetic language」
        ●Udo Satodhi (Kagoshima University)
14:30 Coffee break

14:40 「Characteristics and Music method of ShimaUta in Amami islands through
                comparison of Korean Music 」
        ●Kim HyeJung (Kyunggi Educational University)

15:10 「Disaster prevention and community relations in Amami islands」
        ●Meng Xianchen (China, Northeast financial and economic Universtiy)

15:50 「Social status of Danggol(Korean Shaman) and Noro((ノロ)」
        ●Lee, KyungYub (Mokpo University)

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